اعلام حمایت ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر از مادران عزادار
بیانیه همبستگی به مناسبت روز جهانی اقدام برای حقوق بشر ایران – سوم مرداد ماه 1388توسط ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر
اعضای ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر به مناسبت روز جهانی اقدام برای حقوق بشر در ایران، همبستگی خود را با جامعه مدنی در ایران ابراز می کند که در مبارزاتشان از مسئولین نظام می خواهند که حقوق زنان و حقوق بشر مردم ایران را رعایت کنند. این حقوق هم در قانون اساسی ایران و هم در پیمان های بین المللی حقوق بشر که ایران از امضا کنندگان آنهاست، تضمین شده است.
ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشربا شدت گرفتن اعتراضات برعلیه نتیجه اعلام شده انتخابات ریاست جمهوری، بیشتر نگران سلامت و امنیت زنان مدافع حقوق بشر می شود که بخاطر اقدام های جسورانه در ترویج حقوق زن و آزادی های بنیادین بطور خودسرانه بازداشت شده اند و همچنان در بازداشت بسر می برند. مدافعان حقوق زن که در بازداشت بسر می برند عبارتند از:
شادی صدر، وکیل حقوق بشر، روزنامه نگار و مروج سرشناس حقوق زن که در روز 26 تیرماه ربوده شد و سپس بطور خشونت آمیزی بازداشت شد.
ژیلا بنی یعقوب؛ از فعالان حقوق بشر زنان و روزنامه نگاری که به همراه همسرش؛ بهمن امویی که او هم یک فعال حقوق زن و روزنامه نگار است، در روز 30 خرداد بازداشت شد.
شیوا نظر آهاری؛ فعال حقوق بشر و حقوق زن، و وب لاگ نویس، در روز 24 خرداد ماه بازداشت شد.
مهسا امرآبادی؛ روزنامه نگار و از حامیان حقوق بشر زنان، در منزل خود در تاریخ 24 خرداد ماه بازداشت شد. مهسا باردار است و همسر او؛ مسعود باستانی، روزنامه نگاری است که در تاریخ 14 تیرماه زمانی که برای پیگیری وضعیت مهسا به دادگاه انقلاب رفته بود، بازداشت شد.
هنگامه شهیدی؛ روزنامه نگار و فعال حقوق مدنی در تاریخ 28 خرداد ماه بازداشت شد.
زهرا توحیدی؛ فعال دانشجویی که در منزل خود در تاریخ 28 خرداد ماه به همراه همسرش بازداشت شد.
سمیه توحید لو؛ دانشجوی دوره دکترا، وب لاگ نویس و عضو کمپین موسوی در تاریخ 24 خرداد ماه بازداشت شد.
ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر نگران دستگیری ها و بازداشت های خودسرانه زنان ایرانی مدافع حقوق بشر بویژه این هفت نفر است. اعضای ائتلاف بین المللی همچنین نگران تعداد دیگری از بازداشت شدگانی است که احتمالا بازداشت خودسرانه آنها به مشارکت آنها در کمپین علیه قوانین تبعیض آمیز و دفاع مسالمت آمیز شان از حقوق بشر زنان مربوط می شود.
کمپین بین المللی حقوق بشر در ایران گزارش یک شاهد عینی را از نقش رهبری زنان نقل کرده است که در آن زنان برای حفاظت از کسانی که مورد حمله قرار می گرفتند، روبروی نیروهای دولتی می ایستادند و مقاومت می کردند. این شاهد عینی گزارش داده بود که "آنچه که در این اعتراض برخلاف اعتراضات قبلی بارز بود این بود که مردم در برابر حملات فرار نمی کردند و با هم می ماندند. بخصوص زنان در برابر نیروهای امنیتی واکنش نشان می دادند و می گفتند “چرا ما باید فرار کنیم؟ این مملکت ماست، این سرزمین ماست، ما را نمی توانید از سرزمین خودمان بیرون کنید. این پیاده روها، پیاده روهای ماست. شما کی هستند که به ما می گید که برویم، ما نخواهیم رفت."
ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر، تلاش های "کمیته مادران صلح" و "مادران عزادار"را ارج می گذارد و از فعالیت های آن ها حمایت می کند. اعضای این کمیته ها، در راهپیمایی ها، مردم را در مقابل حملات حفاظت می کنند و به احترام فعالانی که فرزندان آنها کشته، بازداشت و یا ناپدید شده اند، اعتراضات مسالمت آمیز توام با سکوت را در روزهای شنبه هر هفته سازماندهی می کنند. در تیرماه، در اعتراضات مسالمت آمیز مادران عزادار تعدادی از آنها بازداشت شدند و بعد از دو تا سه روز همگی آنها آزاد شدند.
زنان مدافع حقوق بشر در خط مقدم دفاع از حقوق بشر قرار گرفته اند و سزاوار برخوردای از حقوق تعریف شده خود در بیانیه مدافعان حقوق بشر سازمان ملل و حقوق تضمین شده در میثاق بین المللی حقوق سیاسی مدنی هستند که ایران از امضاء کنندگان این پیمان هاست. نقض مداوم سرکوبگرانه حقوق بشر تضمین شده بین المللی و افزایش خشونت بدست ماموران دولتی که در جریان آن حداقل 4000 نفر دستگیر و صدها نفر مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفته و تعداد نامشخصی کشته و ناپدید شده اند، باعث نگرانی عمیق ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر شده است، بطوری که اگر جریان سیاسی بوجود آمده با رعایت کامل حقوق و آزادی های مردم ایران حل نشود، تعداد بیشتری از زنان مدافع حقوق بشر و سایر مدافعان در معرض خطر قرار خواهند گرفت.
در روز جهانی اقدام برای حقوق بشر در ایران، اعضای ائتلاف بین المللی زنان مدافع حقوق بشر با بیان خواسته های ذیل به جامعه بین المللی حقوق بشر می پیوند:
1) آزادی فوری و بی قید و شرط شادی صدر، مهسا امرآبادی، ژیلا بنی یعقوب، شیوا نظر آهاری، زهرا توحیدی، هنگامه شهیدی، سمیه توحید لو، و سایر زنان مدافع حقوق بشر و همه زندانیان سیاسی و عقیدتی که در برگیرنده دانشجویان، روزنامه نگاران و فعالان جامعه مدنی است.
2) دبیر کل سازمان ملل متحد باید فورا هئیتی را برای تحقیق در باره سرنوشت زندانیان و ناپدید شدگان به ایران بفرستد.
3) به خشونت مورد حمایت دولتی پایان داده شود و دولت و ماموران آن باید پاسخگوی جنایاتی باشند که مرتکب شده اند.
4) آزادی تجمع، آزادی بیان و آزادی مطبوعات همانگونه که در قانون اساسی ایران تضمین شده است و از الزامات ایران در پیمان های بین المللی ای است که ایران از امضاء کنندگان آنهاست، باید تامین شود.
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice
Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition
Solidarity Statement on the Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran
25 July 2009
On the occasion of the Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran, members of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD IC) express solidarity with the civil society in Iran in their struggle to demand that the leaders of the regime respect women’s rights and uphold their human rights as guaranteed in the Iranian constitution and in international human rights covenants that Iran has signed.
As the protests over the disputed outcome of the presidential elections intensify, the Coalition are deeply concerned about the safety and security of the following women human rights defenders who have been arbitrarily arrested and still remain in detention for their courageous acts of advocating for women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms:
* SHADI SADR, a human rights lawyer, journalist and a prominent women’s human rights advocate was abducted and violently arrested on 17 July;
* ZHILA BANIYAGHOUB, a women’s human rights activist and journalist was arrested with her husband, Bahman Amouiee, also a women’s human rights activist and journalist, on 20 June;
* SHIVA NAZARAHARI, also a women's rights and human rights activist and blogger, was arrested on 14 June;
* Mahsa Amrabadi, a journalist and supporter of women's human rights, was arrested in her home on 14 June. She is pregnant and her husband, Masoud Bastani, a journalist, was arrested when he was following up her case in the judiciary on 5 July;
* Hengameh Shahidi, a journalist and civil rights activist, was arrested on 18 June;
* Zahra Touhidi, a student activist, was arrested in her home on 18 June. Her husband was arrested as well.
* Somayeh Tohidlou, PhD student, blogger, member of the Mousavi Campaign, was arrested on 14 June.
The WHRD IC is concerned by arbitrary arrest and detention of Iranian women human rights defenders, in particular these seven women human rights defenders. The members of the Coalition are further concerned that the arrest and detention of some of them might be related to their participation in campaigns against discriminatory laws and the peaceful defence of women human rights.
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran cited eyewitness accounts of the leading role of women in standing up to government forces to protect those coming under attacks: “What was significant, in contrast to previous protests, was that people would not run away as they came under attack, but held their own. Particularly the women who would respond to the security forces said, ‘Why should we run? This is our country, this is our land, and we cannot be pushed out of our land. These sidewalks are ours. Who are you to tell us to go away, we shall not go.’
The WHRD IC applauds and supports the efforts of the ‘Mothers of Peace’ and ‘Mothers Mourning’ who have protected activists under attack and organised silent protests for peace every Saturday to honour the activism of their killed, arrested or disappeared children in Iran. In June, several of their members were arrested during one of their protests and were only released 2 or 3 days later.
Women human rights defenders have been at the forefront in the defence of human rights and are entitled to the rights specified under the UN Declaration Human Rights Defenders and guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that Iran signed. The continuing violent repression of internationally guaranteed human rights in Iran and the growing brutality in the hands of state agents of at least 4,000 reported to be detained, hundreds beaten and injured, and an unknown number of killed and those whose whereabouts are unknown, the WHRD IC are gravely concerned that unless the political issues are resolved with full respect for the rights and freedoms of the Iranian peoples, more women human rights defenders and other defenders will be put at risk.
On this Day of Global Action for Human Rights in Iran, the members of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition join the international human rights community to demand:
1. The immediate and unconditional release of Shadi Sadr, Mahsa Amrabadi, Zhila Baniyaghoub, Shiva Nazarahari, Zahra Touhidi, Hengameh Shahidi, Somayeh Tohidlou and other women human rights defenders and all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience including students, journalists and civil society activists;
2. The UN Secretary General to immediately appoint a delegation to travel to Iran to investigate the fate of prisoners as well as many disappeared persons;
3. An end to State-sponsored violence and accountability for crimes committed by the State and its agents;
4. Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of press as guaranteed by the Iranian constitution and Iran’s obligations under international covenants it has signed.
+ نوشته شده در سه شنبه ششم مرداد 1388ساعت 11:29 توسط مادران عزادار | آرشیو نظرات
Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition
Solidarity Statement on the Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran
25 July 2009
On the occasion of the Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran, members of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD IC) express solidarity with the civil society in Iran in their struggle to demand that the leaders of the regime respect women’s rights and uphold their human rights as guaranteed in the Iranian constitution and in international human rights covenants that Iran has signed.
As the protests over the disputed outcome of the presidential elections intensify, the Coalition are deeply concerned about the safety and security of the following women human rights defenders who have been arbitrarily arrested and still remain in detention for their courageous acts of advocating for women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms:
* SHADI SADR, a human rights lawyer, journalist and a prominent women’s human rights advocate was abducted and violently arrested on 17 July;
* ZHILA BANIYAGHOUB, a women’s human rights activist and journalist was arrested with her husband, Bahman Amouiee, also a women’s human rights activist and journalist, on 20 June;
* SHIVA NAZARAHARI, also a women's rights and human rights activist and blogger, was arrested on 14 June;
* Mahsa Amrabadi, a journalist and supporter of women's human rights, was arrested in her home on 14 June. She is pregnant and her husband, Masoud Bastani, a journalist, was arrested when he was following up her case in the judiciary on 5 July;
* Hengameh Shahidi, a journalist and civil rights activist, was arrested on 18 June;
* Zahra Touhidi, a student activist, was arrested in her home on 18 June. Her husband was arrested as well.
* Somayeh Tohidlou, PhD student, blogger, member of the Mousavi Campaign, was arrested on 14 June.
The WHRD IC is concerned by arbitrary arrest and detention of Iranian women human rights defenders, in particular these seven women human rights defenders. The members of the Coalition are further concerned that the arrest and detention of some of them might be related to their participation in campaigns against discriminatory laws and the peaceful defence of women human rights.
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran cited eyewitness accounts of the leading role of women in standing up to government forces to protect those coming under attacks: “What was significant, in contrast to previous protests, was that people would not run away as they came under attack, but held their own. Particularly the women who would respond to the security forces said, ‘Why should we run? This is our country, this is our land, and we cannot be pushed out of our land. These sidewalks are ours. Who are you to tell us to go away, we shall not go.’
The WHRD IC applauds and supports the efforts of the ‘Mothers of Peace’ and ‘Mothers Mourning’ who have protected activists under attack and organised silent protests for peace every Saturday to honour the activism of their killed, arrested or disappeared children in Iran. In June, several of their members were arrested during one of their protests and were only released 2 or 3 days later.
Women human rights defenders have been at the forefront in the defence of human rights and are entitled to the rights specified under the UN Declaration Human Rights Defenders and guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that Iran signed. The continuing violent repression of internationally guaranteed human rights in Iran and the growing brutality in the hands of state agents of at least 4,000 reported to be detained, hundreds beaten and injured, and an unknown number of killed and those whose whereabouts are unknown, the WHRD IC are gravely concerned that unless the political issues are resolved with full respect for the rights and freedoms of the Iranian peoples, more women human rights defenders and other defenders will be put at risk.
On this Day of Global Action for Human Rights in Iran, the members of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition join the international human rights community to demand:
1. The immediate and unconditional release of Shadi Sadr, Mahsa Amrabadi, Zhila Baniyaghoub, Shiva Nazarahari, Zahra Touhidi, Hengameh Shahidi, Somayeh Tohidlou and other women human rights defenders and all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience including students, journalists and civil society activists;
2. The UN Secretary General to immediately appoint a delegation to travel to Iran to investigate the fate of prisoners as well as many disappeared persons;
3. An end to State-sponsored violence and accountability for crimes committed by the State and its agents;
4. Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of press as guaranteed by the Iranian constitution and Iran’s obligations under international covenants it has signed.
+ نوشته شده در سه شنبه ششم مرداد 1388ساعت 11:29 توسط مادران عزادار | آرشیو نظرات
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